Custom Renderers

Photo album photos and container elements can be customized via custom render functions.

Custom Photo

You can use the following render function as a starting point:

  renderPhoto={({ imageProps: { src, alt, style, ...restImageProps } }) => (
    <img src={src} alt={alt} style={style} {...restImageProps} />
  // ...

You can use wrapperStyle and renderDefaultPhoto helpers to wrap images with <div>, <span> or <a> tags:

  renderPhoto={({ photo, wrapperStyle, renderDefaultPhoto }) => (
    <a href={photo.href} style={wrapperStyle}>
      {renderDefaultPhoto({ wrapped: true })}
  // ...

Custom Container

You can use the following render function as a starting point:

  renderContainer={({ containerRef, containerProps, children }) => (
    <div ref={containerRef} {...containerProps}>
  // ...

Custom Row Container

You can use the following render function as a starting point:

  renderRowContainer={({ rowContainerProps, children }) => (
    <div {...rowContainerProps}>{children}</div>
  // ...

Custom Column Container

You can use the following render function as a starting point:

  renderColumnContainer={({ columnContainerProps, children }) => (
    <div {...columnContainerProps}>{children}</div>
  // ...

Live Demo

307 x 222
148 x 222
333 x 222
299 x 200
133 x 200
355 x 200
460 x 259
388 x 259
146 x 210
315 x 210
327 x 210
135 x 203
305 x 203
152 x 203
135 x 203
359 x 269
489 x 269
908 x 135
293 x 220
330 x 220
165 x 220


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